
Bonnie Raitt is Finally Nominated after 50 Years in Music

A Conversation with Bonnie Raitt … After fifty years in music, the singer-songwriter is nominated for four Grammy Awards.

With David Remnick for The New Yorker –

After more than fifty years in music, Bonnie Raitt is far from resting on her laurels; her latest album, “Just Like That . . .,” is nominated for four Grammy Awards this year, including Song of the Year—a category in which her competition includes Beyoncé and Adele, stars a generation younger. She talks with David Remnick about her early career in the blues clubs of Boston, and reflects on the state of the genre today. Plus, the staff writer Kelefa Sanneh talks with another icon of American music, the rapper Chuck D. Forty years ago, as the front man and m.c. of Public Enemy, he showed listeners how exciting, radical, and unpredictable hip-hop could be. Now, at sixty-two, Chuck D is an elder statesman with a documentary on PBS, “Fight the Power: How Hip Hop Changed the World.”

Bonnie Raitt Talks with David Remnick



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