
Negative Reviews for Whitney Biopic

New Whitney Houston Biopic Getting Negative Reviews on Rotten Tomatoes

Critics are calling it a “Wikipedia-style exploration” of one of the greatest singers of all-time.

By Mey Rude for OUT

People aren’t wanting to dance with the new Whitney Houston biopic I Wanna Dance With Somebody.

Despite being a highly anticipated film about one of the best and most beloved singers of all time, the new biopic from the Oscar-nominated screenwriter of Bohemian Rhapsody is getting negative reviews from most critics who have seen it. It is currently sitting at 44% rotten score on Rotten Tomatoes.

While Bohemian Rhapsody downplayed Freddy Mercury’s sexuality, Houston’s relationship with Robyn Crawford is shown here. Unfortunately, like most other plots in the movie, Houston’s bisexuality and queer relationship don’t get enough screen time once the first act ends.



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